International SEO Services

Increase your global reach and connect with customers from all around the globe

Progress Web is proud to provide international SEO services for businesses and companies of all sizes. It is an effective way to enhance website visibility beyond national borders. Ideal solution for businesses aiming to reach international customers and promote their services or products in global markets.

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    Why your business needs an international SEO for global reach

    Constant globalisation offer businesses a chance to expand into international markets, providing a significant opportunity for business growth and increased revenue. However,  it requires careful planning and tool selection. In the age of digital presence, an important aspect of international expansion is having a website in the relevant language version. But how do you ensure the site is visible in search engines for users in a particular country?

    International SEO is the process of optimising a website to make it easily recognised by search engines for specific countries and users you want to target with your business offerings presented on the company's website. This is a detailed process that requires careful planning, and market analysis.

    What are the key steps in international SEO?

    The first step in planning an SEO strategy for international markets should involve a thorough analysis of competitors. Understanding which websites we will compete with for visibility and the characteristics of the market is crucial. It's essential to assess competitors in terms of visibility, technical optimization, content, and link profiles, providing insights for estimating the budget needed for the campaign.

    Following competitor analysis, another vital aspect in strategy formulation is keyword analysis. This helps identify high-potential keywords to be incorporated into the strategy. However, it's important to note that the higher the potential of a keyword, the more challenging its optimization. Therefore, considering long-tail phrases can yield satisfactory results in a shorter time, attracting potential customers more quickly.

    In an SEO campaign for international markets, well-prepared content for each language version is crucial. Texts for each version should be crafted individually, considering the specifics of each language and cultural differences in the target country. To rank effectively in search results, the content must be SEO-optimized with meticulous care. The Surfer SEO tool can be helpful in providing additional optimization guidelines based on competitors appearing in the TOP10 for specific queries in a given country.

    What are steps of international SEO campaign?

    Keyword Research

    For precise targeting global markets we will create detailed keyword research strategy, ensuring your content matches with international audiences.

    Competition Analysis

    We will analyse your competitors, their strategies, and look for opportunities where your business can gain advantage and bring best results.

    On-Page SEO

    Our team will optimise your on-page SEO together with technical aspects. This include aligning content, meta tags, and structure with international best practices.

    Link Building

    Off-Page SEO is one of keys to success. We will create meaningful backlink profile and strenghten your website's authority.
    Ready to start?
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    Ready to transform your online presence? Let us show you how we can create a tool that delivers increased organic traffic and transforms visits into sales.

    Case Studies

    Work with an international online presence agency that you can rely on.

    Progress Web - result driven international SEO company

    At Progress Web we are using proven SEO techniques for our campaigns. Whether you run a company in Europe, America, or East Asia, our results focused digital marketing services will put your page on top.

    We have partnered with one of the biggest SEO agencies in Poland, to bring the best results for your business. Combination of our website development skills, together with on-page optimisation, technical aspects, and link building, is the most effective strategy to increase your online presence. By working with us you can be sure that you will dominate your targeted market, and bring new, relevant consumers with a high purchase intention.

    International SEO FAQ

    1What is international SEO?
    International SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of optimising a website to ensure it performs well in search engine results across various countries and languages. It involves strategies to reach a global audience and enhance online visibility on an international scale.
    2Do I need international SEO for my business?
    Yes, if you plan to expand your business into foreign markets. International SEO is crucial for reaching diverse audiences, adapting to different search behaviors, and ensuring your online presence aligns with global search engine algorithms.
    3Does Progress Web offer international and national SEO?
    Yes, at Progress Web, we specialise in both international and national SEO services. Whether you're targeting a local audience or expanding globally, our expertise covers a comprehensive range of SEO strategies to meet your business goals.
    Ready to start?
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    Ready to transform your online presence? Let us show you how we can create a tool that delivers increased organic traffic and transforms visits into sales.